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March 15, 2007



"It's also locally infamous for being one of the only places downtown where anyone can loiter, sleep, or use the bathroom without being reprimanded by security. Downtown L.A. is thought to have the highest concentration of homeless people in a city that's cited widely as being the homeless capital of the United States, and guess where many of them go when they get kicked out of the shelters at sunrise, or just get tired of walking all day and want to take a leak and look at a magazine? Libraries are great for stopping, refreshing, collecting yourself."

Except that regular people find this population, accurately, disgusting, unhygenic, scary and often unsafe. Those homeless you believe are refreshing themselves are shooting up, drunk, insane and disorderly. If you loiter or sleep, you will in fact be woken and asked to move along, as this is SUPPOSED to be a library, not a FLOPHOUSE.


Somebody should tell the LAPL IT guys to get more secure webmail -- if I look up anon's IP I can see a link from someone's inbox with a not-very-anon e-mail address right there in the string.

HR Dissertation

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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