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July 27, 2006


Fellow Traveler

Hi, Jody,

Came across your blog and thought I'd say hello. I have, like you, lived in Tucson, NYC, and now Portland. And like you, I find Portland to be pleasant but not challenging enough. I'm also an actor and am considering LA for that reason plus the "challenge" thing and the desire to experience big-city life again.

Anyhow, I'm learning all I can about LA and look forward to reading your further thoughts about the city -- especially how it compares to the other places you've lived.

Sorry for the anonymous post, by the way, but I wouldn't want my employer to find out I'm thinking about moving! I'll write you personally should you ever decided to post an e-mail address.



Fellow Traveler, I've added an e-mail link to the sidebar. Come get me, spammers.

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